This depends entirely upon the content of the medical and the type and nature of the tests which are undertaken. A simple and straightforward undertaking such as a commercial driver’s medical will require about an hour of your time. However, more complex and more detailed medicals requiring more in-depth assessment and testing can take up to three hours. If you have a limited time or other appointments to attend to you should obtain an estimate of the length of time the medical will take from the reception staff at the time you confirm the booking. Most people are surprised by the time it takes a medical to be perform however this reflects the complexity and thoroughness which the medical is undertaken. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee these estimates as there are so many confounding factors that can delay the completion of the assessment.
For pre-employment medicals the results are normally sent to the employer and the employer will contact the employee with the result. The results are issued to the employer always within one working day with the exception being if we are waiting for further tests or assessments such as blood tests or chest x-rays to complete the assessment.
Depending upon the Privacy Act releases that you have signed, the employer on prospective employee may receive a copy of your medical otherwise they may only receive a report as to your fitness to work. You should ask your prospective employer about their procedures in this matter appropriately you should obtain a copy from them. The exception to this is if you paid for the medical in which case you will be given a complete copy of the medical without cost.
You should dress in loose comfortable clothing, socks and enclosed shoes weather permitting shorts are best for males. Whilst females candidates will be provided with a gown, best to wear a bra and regular underwear. Bring with you any documentation or referrals provided to you by your employer or prospective employer, along with any medical certificates that you might have relevant to your fitness to work or ability to drive etc, also a list of any medications you take and if you have a significant medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnoea, please bring with you a copy of any relevant medical reports.
Unless you are paying for it or if you have been instructed to pay for it yourself the costs are the matter for your prospective employer to meet. Should you be paying for it yourself the complexity of these costings means that you will need to consult our practice staff prior to the medical.
Depending upon the specific requirements of each medical, the medical may be undertaken by staff who have been trained in particular areas of testing, for example, lung function testing, drug and alcohol testing, audiometry, etc. An Occupational Health Nurse or Doctor will discuss the answers that you have made to your health declaration and elaborate on any previous health problems that you might have. The examination will be conducted by either an Occupational Health Nurse, a Medical Practitioner or an Exercise Physiologist/Scientist. This all depends on the specific requirements of the medical.
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