Health Surveillance

Health Surveillance for Toxic Substances

Unless a Doctor is aware that there are substances that are used in workplaces that have toxic consequences then serious health complications can occur from exposure to these substances. This is best illustrated by this Case Study: 

A spray painter using two pack paint containing isocyanates commences work. Health surveillance was undertaken by his medical practitioner who took regular samples of urine for the presence of isocyanates in the urine. Seven years after commencing work he developed asthma. Two years after that he developed dermatitis and in the subsequent year experienced symptoms of hay fever. These are all symptoms of isocyanate allergy. On changing employers he was referred to The Health Advantage, we undertook appropriate health surveillance which includes screening for all of these conditions. He was promptly diagnosed with Isocyanate allergy and he was removed from spray-painting with isocyanates. The story has a happy ending with his symptoms completely resolving although this is not always the case. There was the potential for him unnecessarily suffering from life-long asthma.

There are a number of substances for which health surveillance in Australia is mandatory. These include lead, isocyanate, arsenic, crystalline silica and asbestos, chromium, organophosphate pesticides, acrylonitrile, benzene, cadmium, creosote, mercury, methylene bi (moca), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, thallium, pentachlorophenol, vinyl chloride and a number of substances such as fluoride where health surveillance is not mandatory but advisable. Dr John Jasinski and Dr Lucy Hempenstall provide health surveillance under either Safe Work Australia or Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines. Their experience means that early detection of issues cumulative from exposure to these hazardous chemicals can be ensured thus preserving the long-term health of workers in the relevant industries. 

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