Your hearing is very important to you although sometimes we don't appreciate this until we start to lose our hearing and find ourselves turning that television up to the annoyance of others!
any industrial processes produce noise and this noise can be damaging to hearing, instituting noise induced hearing loss. The level of damage normally starts just above the noise level produced by most modern chainsaws and progresses rapidly such that a single exposure to a jet engine can produce permanent hearing loss. Hearing loss screening by undertaking an audiometry is a very important way of assessing workers for noise induced hearing loss and fying cases early such that remedial action can be taken by the employer to prevent ongoing hearing loss. It is important, however, that accurate results are obtained so that the hearing is not just assessed accurately once but can be tracked over a period of time to see if there is any deterioration. The primary importance of this is that once you lose your hearing to noise then it does not recover. It is a permanent injury. This video will teach you how audiometry is undertaken. You will learn your part in that process which will improve the overall accuracy of the result obtained for your benefit. You will learn about noise, the process of audiometry and the part that you play in that process.
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