Spirometry or lung function testing is an important part of, health surveillance for the effects of industrial chemicals such as Isocyanates and health surveillance for industrial materials such as asbestos, silica and coal. All of these substances can cause devastating effects on person's lung function. In The Preemployment situation it assesses a persons respiratory reserve ensuring their fitness matches job demands. For the test to be of value it needs to be undertaken in a particular manner where multiple tests are done to ensure that an accurate assessment of
the person's lung function is found. This can sometimes be a difficult and time-consuming process when the person undertaking the process does not have full knowledge of how it is done. This video will explain to the person undertaking the spirometry the process by which the spirometry is done and how they should perform the spirometry such that accurate results are obtained. We have found that after watching the video it is much easier for the person undertaking the testing to complete the testing easily, successfully and accurately.
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